In the 1990s, some college students created a game called Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. The thought behind the game was that you could connect anybody in Hollywood to the prolific star of Footloose within six steps. For example, you can connect yours truly within six steps to Kevin Bacon:
- I attended college with comedian Dana Gould
- Dana Gould appeared on an episode of Seinfeld with Jason Alexander
- Jason Alexander appeared in Pretty Woman with Julia Roberts
- Julia Roberts starred in Flatliners with, you guessed it, Kevin Bacon
When it comes to your network, who is your Kevin Bacon? Who is that person who there always seems to be a lot of activity and knows everybody? Get with him or her for a one-on-one at least on a quarterly basis.
If you’re not sure about who in your network that might, go to your LinkedIn accounts. Check out the people in your network and your shared connections. It really will not take long to figure out who that might be. Better yet, do a search on some companies who might be prospects for your business and then check your network to see who might know somebody there.
Kevin Bacon may never win an Oscar, but the guy has never lacked for work and almost always in quality films.